Hazeley Academy, Milton Keynes

Interpave’s 2015 revisit explores the successful long-term use of concrete block permeable paving around a state-of-the-art secondary school and its benefits for wildlife. It demonstrates the use of terraced compartments using flow control chambers and straightforward, non-specialised maintenance of concrete block permeable paving.

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Southern Fringe, Cambridge

A pictorial tour around several linked developments in this growth area of the city. It focuses on the role of precast concrete paving – including permeable pavements as part of SuDS – in helping to define each area’s character, integrated with architectural design and master-planning.

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St George’s Primary School, Kidderminster

This RIBA Award winning school displays an exemplary approach to sustainable drainage, with a SuDS and landscape scheme integrated into the overall project from the very start. Solving complex issues, the drainage scheme utilises several SuDS techniques – including concrete block permeable paving – within a fully developed management train.

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Greendykes North, Edinburgh

This important regeneration project in Edinburgh shows how shared space brings together all street users, including drivers, as part of the social world. The deliberate integration of traffic with other social activities reduces speeds and improves the relationship between pedestrians, cyclists and traffic. Precast concrete paving plays a key role – used to define areas and reduce speeds without signage – making external surfaces integral to the architectural design.

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Great Western Park, Didcot

Great Western Park is being developed on 160 Ha of essentially greenfield land to the immediate west of Didcot. Once complete, it will increase the urban area of Didcot by around 20%, eventually providing 3,000 new homes and related facilities. The use of concrete block permeable paving is an essential part of an intergrated sustainable drainage system (SuDS) management train throughout this major new development.

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Trafalgar Place, London

Interpave has published a new case study exploring the public realm at Trafalgar Place London, shortlisted for the 2016 Stirling Prize.

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Craigmillar, Edinburgh

An expanded and updated case study looking at how the first stages in the regeneration of the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh – previously the fourth most deprived area in Scotland – are developing on the ground.

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Concrete Kerbs

Guide to the Properties, Design, Handling, Installation and Reinstatement of Precast Concrete Kerbs.

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Concrete Flag Paving

Guide to the Properties, Design, Handling, Construction, Reinstatement and Maintenance of Concrete Flag Pavements

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